Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hippie Chick

January 9, 2014. That's the day my new life began. I think that there are many new beginnings in ones life but this particular new beginning has been cause for lots of conversation, arguments, unintentionally hurt feelings and surprisingly, despite all the conversation, much confusion and misunderstanding.

January 9, 2014 I decided to stop my consumption of meat and animal by products. That day is so funny to me because for dinner I ate at Chick Fil A and was planning a weekend sushi date. Later that night I watched a youtube show that my friend asked me to watch and just watch it just to learn about why he lives the way he does.
Watch it if you want or don't watch it if you don't want to. Just know that there are some things you will see that you can never unsee and some things you learn that you can never unlearn. A quick summary of the video: it outlines the moral and health reasons to go vegan with video footage of the cruelty with which animals raised for milk, eggs and meat are treated with. I am so grateful to have watched this video because it has literally changed my life.

After watching this video I turned to my husband with a look of horror and anguish on my face. I burst into tears and buried my face in his chest. He just held me and said, "Do you want to go empty out the fridge of our animal by products?" Immediately I got up and did just that. Yes, this was a very quick and rash decision. I don't regret it.

The following days and weeks have been a mixture of this transition being easy and very difficult. I go through phases of wanting nothing but a extra cheesy pizza or a hot dog or whipped cream or frozen yogurt.. I still think that meat tastes delicious and I love omelets and milkshakes... but I'm not only doing this because I was shocked into it. It may have been the initial reason behind this choice but since changing my eating habits I have done much research in regards to the effects of a vegan lifestyle on ones health and the environment.

Yes, I love animals and do not want to participate in cruelty and suffering just because I think they taste good..... but there are so many health reasons behind going vegan! There is nothing you can get from eating meat, dairy and eggs that you can't get from a whole foods, plant based diet. (Unless we're talking about heart disease and bad cholesterol.) Here's a very helpful link that answered a lot of questions about the health of a vegan lifestyle.

The number one thing that people say to a vegan is "Where do you get your protein?" Where do I get my protein? Where do I get my calcium? Where do I get my iron? Where do I get any of the nutrients that I need to live and be healthy cause we all know that fruits and vegetables have no protein or calcium or iron in them at all. (I'm sorry for the smart ass remark but it's what runs through my head every time I'm asked this question.)

Calcium: broccoli, any of the 7 dairy milk substitutes, kale, lentils, pinto beans, quinoa, brussel sprouts, tofu, chickpeas

Iron: edamame, lentils, quinoa, tofu, spirulina, pumpkin seeds, dried peaches, prune juice

Protein: Nuts, legumes, grains, tofu, fruits, vegetables

B12: fortified milks, nutritional yeast, multivitamins

Clearly, I will not be lacking in my nutrition so no need to worry about my health. It's no big secret that people don't generally eat the right amounts of fruits and vegetables, I know I didn't use to. It's also no secret that fruits and vegetables are good for you. So why are people so concerned with where I get my nutrition? You didn't used to care about my nutrient intake before I was vegan.. I'm still waiting for an answer because I don't know.

I've had people, upon hearing that I was going vegan, say to me that it was the dumbest thing I could ever do and I was going to be missing out on SO MANY foods that give me SO MANY necessary nutrients... I've been shocked at the things some people have said to me and all I said was that I'm changing my eating habits.... I am choosing a different diet. That's it. I'm not revealing a dark and twisted secret. I am making new choices as to the things that I put in my body. I know that my thoughts and opinions may seem controversial or strange to some. Just because someone thinks or acts differently than you do does not give anyone the right to judge and think that that person is not capable of being a smart and independent individual who can take information, process it and make decisions based on their own thoughts and convictions.

I don't want to come across as some bitter, plant eating hippie. I have only been eating vegan for a month so I do know what I thought of vegans and vegetarians before I chose it for myself. Please feel free to ask me questions because I really do enjoy helping people understand what I do and/or why I do it.

I understand very well that this is not a life choice for everyone. I know very well that in some areas of the world a vegan diet is not even an option. I don't want to make people feel like I'm trying to convert them to veganism. I hope this post has answered some questions you have as to why I do what I do and how I came to my conclusion.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Years end and New Year! 2014

It's about time I get my butt back to typing and sharing what's inside my head!

I did take a small hiatus from being online and I do apologize.. to my mom that is. She's been beggin' me for more and I think it's about time too.

November was a lovely month. I hit my 1 year anniversary of working at my job as a legal assistant and won $50 to iTunes. I also had the privilege of making Thanksgiving dinner with my mother in law! I will give a little advice to anyone out there who has never cooked a turkey: DO NOT USE AN OVEN BAG IN A ROASTER OVEN!!! I learned this the hard way and ended up buying a new roaster oven for my aunt since I was not willing to give hers back covered in melted plastic. The turkey did not suffer any major damage and it was delicious. I am so grateful to my in laws for being such wonderful and fun people. Even though I was miles away from my own family and old traditions I felt every bit at home with my hubbys family.

December had some ups and it had some downs. There was a tragedy that happened in my husbands family on December 4, 2013. My husbands sweet second cousin, Ashlyn, was run over in a crosswalk and killed. We didn't know her well but our hearts broke for her and for her parents, grandparents, siblings and classmates. We had the opportunity to fly to South California for her funeral and burial. I was amazed at the turn out and the kind words shared by all that were a testament to her heart and soul of only 9 years old. I feel at peace with my belief of forever families, of God, eternity and resurrection. This was a beautiful and sad occasion. I plead that every single person who reads this, please, be so so careful when you drive, when you turn left, when you turn right on red, when you're ANYWHERE near a school. Too many lives have been take from thoughtless driving. Make an extra effort to be aware of your surroundings as you are maneuvering huge machines made of metal that are cars. Please help to spread the word and take extra care.

On a lighter note I was able to go HOME for Christmas for the first time in 3 years! I had quite a list of things I had to do while I was home for Christmas! We watched Christmas movies, drove around and looked at lights, made and decorated cookies, donated toys to children who were in the hospital, went last minute shopping with my dad for my mom, went out to eat with my grandparents, decorated the tree, made a sad attempt at sledding, went to a hot spring in the mountains, and celebrated the life of Jesus Christ. It was one incredible week. My husband, my dad and I all drove in the Jeep up through the mountains to find some snow to sled in. Unfortunately there really wasn't much and the stuff we were finding was rock hard ice.. We decided to stop at one place and walked up a road that looked like it might lead somewhere promising. It didn't end up to be what we were looking for but it was even better! As we were walking we kept seeing tons and tons of elk and deer tracks and droppings. I felt like they were to crisp and clear to be from very long ago. We looked up the hill from where we were and sure enough on the ridge of the hill you could see two elk. One was huge with antlers. I stopped hiking through the crunchy snow and slowed my breathing and sure enough I heard a genuine elk call... like, from the elk himself! I was in awe that I got to hear nature for real. Not a man made elk call but one from the real deal elk! Then I decided I wanted a closer look. I hiked up more and more but eventually when I looked up the elk were gone from sight. To the left was a huge herd of deer! I watched them while I hiked so I wouldn't lose them.. but I did.. those things are so stealthy and fast! We enjoyed our somewhat close encounter with these beautiful creatures and decided that no sledding was to be found so we were going to hit up the hot springs! To say that it was cold is an understatement. It was freezing.. literally. EVERYTHING was crystallized and the river was freezing over and what wasn't freezing had chunks of ice floating through it. We got in to our swim suits, which was not an easy task, and clambered down to the hot springs, again not an easy task at ALL! Unfortunately if you wanted the warm water you had to be directly under the cascade of water that fell into a pool that I imagine would be warm for the rest of the time of the year except for when its in the single digits. It was an adventure and I wouldn't trade these memories for the world. Christmas was very good to me because I was able to spend it with those I love and we spent it worshipping the Son of God, whom we love.

Now this next part, I'm not meaning to offend people when I say this because I know I've seen it on many facebook statuses... It has been a huge pet peeve of mine when people say "Can't wait to see what the new year will bring me!" Why does the new year have to bring me anything? Life happens, yes, but we make things happen.. not the new year. I'd like to say for myself, "Can't wait to see what I will do this new year. What will I learn. What will I do that will result in an improved me?" I believe for myself, in order to make resolutions or goals, I need to acknowledge a very important fact. I will mess up. I will mess up and that is ok. I know this doesn't apply to some people but I think that so many people make resolutions and goals and end up not following through because they do not acknowledge that they will mess up. It's ok to trip up as long as we always persevere and get back up and go at it again.

My main themes for this year:
1) Keep breathing. Learn how to take control of my anxiety and fears and not let them get me worked up to the point where they rule me.
2) Become healthy. A little general and cliche, I know, but I would like to be healthy, not just skinny. I want to run and play with my husband and dogs and not feel like I'm 15 years older than I am. I want to quit hating running and exercise and embrace a more energized and confident self.
3) To be a better disciple of Christ. I am not always diligent in emulating Christ and love everyone. In fact, I plain suck at it.. but I know that it is the way to happiness and eternal life and so it's a worthy goal.

I wish everyone a safe and happy and life changing New Year! I love you friends and family! Thank you for being my teachers day in and day out.